When I was still in NY, LKM told me that he is working on something for me, a gift for me for our 1st anniversary. He said it is something that I can see, play, and eat. HE is the type that not soso romantic (may be just 50-60%), in stead of getting me a luxury jewelry or branded handbag, he will rather buy me useful things that he thinks I need, make me something with his creative brain (such as video clip), draw me pictures, or a fantastic meal, and NO flower from him (he said that is "wasting" those flowers' life @@)....last but not least, he loves to give me SURPRISE...
This is the something that I can see, play and eat...

in the past Springs, Summers, Falls and Winters... (if you notice, he used some recyclable material like box, paper bag, dried leaves & small stem (=
For me, I always think that scrapbook is a girl dish stuff ;p but he did it for me...when I first see this book, I was so shock and touching...he told me he spent few nights working on them! I wonder how did he gets the ideal of making me a scrapbook, he said he has been doing 'research' on scrapbook for long...I even saw a scrapbook pictures folder on his laptop's desktop ;D
Thank You, LKM~~*
Wow, good job KM! Wahhh...Tony totally not this type, hahahaha, I'm the type who do this kind of thing, hehehe. He said he rather buy me luxury gifts, haha not that I'm complaining... because he truly surprises me many times with his own way =)
Tell KM I love his work and he inspire me to start my creative engine again, haha. All the best to you both!!!!
ai...i dont think i can do this kind of work either, may be i can, but i dont have much 'interest' on this...haha...perhaps i will have the interest and patient to make one for Gloria next time.. =p
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