I found an interesting berry orchard when I had a peep at ahhan's blog 2 weeks ago. I love strawbery and of cause picking them. For those who never been to orchard picking here, in the States, especially my friends in M'sia, we just need to pay for the 'box', and you can eat and pick as MUCH as strawberry you can in the orchard for FREE. Some apple farms didn't even ask you to pay for the box or plastic bag, but you just need to pay for whatever you pick and intend to buy them home, meaning FREE eating and pay only if you want to buy....*geek*...I think this is really a fun part of staying in the States which we get to do alot of activities during the various seasons!
Last Sunday, we're able to get to the Grayson's Berryland with a bunch of good friends. The good thing about this berryland is it only take 20 mins drive from our place. Good weather, good companies, sweet & sour strawberry! ^^

The entrance...

Get set...ready...we GOooooooooo!!!!

Try to be funny huh??? =p

Busy picking, chit-chatting, laughing, photo taking...

Keep laughing...

Picking strawberry seriously...


The creations of natural mother...

Strawberry forest

The girls ^^

Just me =)

The macho arm...New Ad. for the Grayson's Berryland? LOL!!!
all the photos taken by digital camera ??~
the angle quite artistic leh !!~
sam...taken by digital slr!
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