Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring's snow???

2 weeks ago, I was talking with my friend that we are going to build snowman next week, which was last weekend. Somehow, the temperature suddenly raised up above 0'C and we can see melted ice and snow everywhere. The weather was super duper nice and warm, we can just go out with a normal jacket (not winter's one), no glove, no winter hat, and no scarft! And I was thinking that there's no chace to build a snowman this year since there're not much snow left. I am already in the spring mood to wave my BYEBYE to the winter.....and this morning...

Ices sticked on my room's window

about 20 mins before I start writing this blog

10 mins later

all white within another few mins
I think there're still plenty of chances for me to build snowman this Spring...V(^0^)V

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