If you know me very well, I'm a "bread" person, any kind of breads...put anything buns in front of me, my knees start to go weak...hehe...over the years, I've collected various of bread recipes. I particularly prefer the Asean style bread.
This reminds me of the Indian uncle who used to ride on his small motorbike and sell 'roti' (bread in Malay) in my neighborhood, when I was still a little kid...my favorite bun..."Apollo", a type of long sweet bun with the creamy filling inside with different flavor, such as vanilla, pandan, coffee and chocolate. It only cost 25 cents (the price back to 10 years ago) for this yummy and delicious long bun. I'm wondering if they still sell this bun in M'sia, I hope they do so that I still have the chance to eat them when I go home next time.
Bread, pastry, cake, pie and cookie. If you ask me to choose which one I like to eat the most, I'll list them in this sequence. There's why I never bake any cookie before ;p Apparently, I do agree that baking bread is much more easier comparing with others that may require special skills or baking method. I'll say baking bread is the most easiest than any other pastry and dessert.
Last Saturday, I suddenly had the very strong "ohm" to make some buns, and I've decided to use the vege tuna as filling as I promised my friends that I wanna make for time since ages year ago. I remember that I read a pasty baking recipe book before, this famous France baker has mentioned that as a purist, he prefers using the artisan approach, working by his own hands instead of using any eletrical mixer if unneccessary. I was joking with LKM that this save some money on my dream Kitchen aid mixer, because I have a pair of "solar hands" =p
Can you imagine how powerful is the little yeats, that make the dough size increase in double. I love the dough raising part alot. I love seeing and enjoying each moment, when peeping to see if my little dough is growing or not. ;p It's so exciting!!!

...ta-da ta-da...
SUCCESS SUCCESS SUCCESS!!!!guys...these buns really taste very GOOD, they are as soft as those 'chan pau' we eat in M'sia...
.A friend of mine, ate 5 buns at one sitting :) I feel happy I'm able to bake good stuffs for people around me, and they enjoy too. It's really lots of fun in baking, and I'm loving every bit of it.
OK...will post the recipe here later...^^
make sure u make for us when u come back
i wanna order 1 dozen pls...courier back to M'sia :)
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