Happy Birthday to you BuiBui. Today is my hubby's Big Day. 2 best friends of us, Joanne & KY line up their birthday which is 11st, 12nd, and 13rd, each year they will wish each other within the 48 hours =) Happy Birthday to you J & KY.
Since his birthday falls on Monday, and he has a test today (as usual, he has exams on his bday every year, poor lkm)...anyway, we have a birthday party for him 2 days ago on the Saturday night. It wasn't a secret birthday party since he knew it when he see me bought those grocery stuffs..he is the worm in my stomach =p ....the only thing I can hide was his bday gift!
So a little about the bday party. It wasn't a Big party, but a simple & meaningful one, with just couple of our buddies here. It was kind like a potluck party, which LKM requested each of them to prepare one dish..hehe, and save money on the bday gift...this really save ALOT of my energy! ;)
This year, I had a hard time picking gift for him, he has everything he needs, he told me he doesn't know need anything instead, and I do not have money to get him any luxury stuff, so I ended up copy my sis, which is to get a GPS for him...I really think we need a GPS here, to save our time on copying map everytime we need to go to a new place. THANKS all my best friends here for sharing the gift too!!!!

Happy Birthday Big Boy!

In stead of a big cake, I'd decided to bake him cupcakes, decorating cupcake is really fun, I enjoyed and love it bery bery muchie!!!

Busying around to play his with new toy..lol...
He said this looks like he is kissing me ..@@
Another birthday surprise, it was 12 sth am last night. Somebody was ringing our door bell, we thought someone in might forgot to bring key as this happened very often, but the bell keep ringing. OK...SURPRISE...a bunch of his Indian & Nepal coursemates came with a cake, to celebrate his big day! How touch...Thanks guys!
LKM said he really happy, to have such a memorable bday this year, he appreciates all the things everyone has done to him! =D
Happy Birthday LKM. Can't wait to try yur cooking especially Sushi again. So Hung fook la u.. got homemade cupcakes...
wah... can open cupcake shop edi Lou Ban Leong!! GENG!!
Sorry, one day late, please send my "Belated Birthday" wish to KM.
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