2 days ago, a best friend of mine in Australia sent me a link which you put the pics of you & hubby/wife to predict your future baby picture, but that website didn't work. So I found myself another one.
So, here're my little Gloria and the Jr.Lee, I do not have any ideal name for the boy boy yet =p

Haha...I think this website is particularly designed for the American people, how could both asian parents can get a caucasian baby???? I showed LKM these 2 pictures, he even said this is not accurate and his is not 'ang mo'...hehe.. Somehow, I think the Jr.Lee does looks abit like LKM, what do you think? ;)
The fun part about doing this matching is...I got excited at the moment while waiting for the process to see how our baby will looks like...thumbs up!!!
ei, give me the link, i wanna try also...;p
My goodness...My Goodness! I dunno what to say...
wei y u use my background... somebody said 'so so nia' b4 de..
mky:so so means ok ok also geh...haha..
wa-ha-haha, so funny,I was shock at the beginning that you & KM make caucasian babies, hahaha. Anyway, I think Gloria has ur lip, hehehe
haha June...you are the 2nd person said this.. =p
wei u have been tagged.. go check my blog ..
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