- Native American living in the nothern part of America, were the first people known to have produced maple syrup.
- It is harvested by tapping the tree through the bark and into the wood, the sap then will flow into the plastic bag or bucket.
- Maple tree can only be tapped during the spring and fall season @ freezing temperature at night and above freezing temperature in the day time. why? due to the pressure factor.
- Maple tree doesn't like hot summer. =p
- 40 gallons of sap collected will only produces 1 gallon of maple syrup. (so, do not waste any syrup when you go to IHOP!)
- How do you know if the maple tree is OK to tap? at least 10" of diameter for the tree.
- Is vanila ice-cream+hot maple syrup taste good? Absolutely yes!!!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Maple Syrup Festival
Last Saturday, LKM, myself and 2 friends went to a Maple Syrup Festival. This festival was actually organized by LKM's Uni, but not so many students signing up, so we ended up driving there by ourselves. The weather was pretty cold (unexpectedly, it was below 0'C again) on that day, somehow we were enjoying and had lots of funs. This were new experience we learned regarding tapping the maple syrup tree:
This is how the sap is collected, reminds me of the rubber tree in M'sia =p
Another way of collecting sap from the stronger tree, you can see the plastic bucket hanged everywhere.
Bear with my 2.0 megapixel cellphone. This taught us a lesson that, always charge the camera battery if you know you need to go out for any activity. ><"
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Lesson from Crayons
I suddenly recall this in my mind, and I wanted to jot down before I forget. Couple weeks ago I followed LKM for his lion dance performance to an elementary school in our neighborhood. I walked around the school, and I was attracted by a big poster in an art room where they stored the painting tools and student's art work.
It was a big crayon poster with few sentences on it:
There are many colors in a box of crayon, some of them are long, some are short and dull, some are sharp, some are bright, and every crayons has different name. No matter how, these crayons still have to live together.
Did you get the message behind this box of crayon?=)
It was a big crayon poster with few sentences on it:
There are many colors in a box of crayon, some of them are long, some are short and dull, some are sharp, some are bright, and every crayons has different name. No matter how, these crayons still have to live together.
Did you get the message behind this box of crayon?=)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
He has a BIG dream =)
No doubt, everyone has a dream that she/he wishes to achieve in life. For myself, I always wish and wanted to own a kinder garden since I was young. I don't know if this will becomes reality, but I believe if there's a dream or hope, my dream might comes true one day!
Ok...enough, this blog is not all about me but my LKM. Last night, surprisingly he told me that something was bothering his mind these few days. Guess what, as a Engineering Managment graduate student, he was thinking to run a vegetarian sushi restaurant @@" ...FYI, we both are big fans for sushi, opsss...I should say most of our family members too (including my big sis, bro-in-law, and the little Ivan who loves seaweed).
Back to LKM, he loves eating sushi, and he loves making sushi too (he just sit next to me, and knowing I'm blogging about him..haha, he mentioned he more prefers in making sushi to others). If I'm not mistaken, he started making sushi when were're during our uni life in Kentucky. Gradually, he became more enthusiatic in making sushi. Our friends in New York even called him as Sushi Master. He is really creative at making different type of sushi. ;p

He learned the tamago from youtube!
Ok...enough, this blog is not all about me but my LKM. Last night, surprisingly he told me that something was bothering his mind these few days. Guess what, as a Engineering Managment graduate student, he was thinking to run a vegetarian sushi restaurant @@" ...FYI, we both are big fans for sushi, opsss...I should say most of our family members too (including my big sis, bro-in-law, and the little Ivan who loves seaweed).
Back to LKM, he loves eating sushi, and he loves making sushi too (he just sit next to me, and knowing I'm blogging about him..haha, he mentioned he more prefers in making sushi to others). If I'm not mistaken, he started making sushi when were're during our uni life in Kentucky. Gradually, he became more enthusiatic in making sushi. Our friends in New York even called him as Sushi Master. He is really creative at making different type of sushi. ;p
Back to his big dream---> to own a vegetarian sushi restaurant here. LKM, I wish your dream will comes true one day! =)
Here're some pictures from these few years.
Caterpillar Roll
Strawberry, Honeydew, Mango ;P
* He has couple of sushi albums in his hard disk. =p
Saturday, March 21, 2009
HoneyMoon to Europe
Few days ago, I had a conversation with LKM. Here's our conversation translated in English:
Me: " Baby, can you bring me to Japan for our honeymoon next time?"
LKM: " Huh...why Japan? It's too crowded!!!"
Me: " Cause Japan is beautiful, and I like their culture."
LKM: " emmm....we go Europe lah."
Me: "really???"
LKM: " Yeah...but need to have $$$."
Me: " (^^)"
I told him that I want to jot this down as an evidence that he has once promised me for our Europe Honeymoon. =)
Me: " Baby, can you bring me to Japan for our honeymoon next time?"
LKM: " Huh...why Japan? It's too crowded!!!"
Me: " Cause Japan is beautiful, and I like their culture."
LKM: " emmm....we go Europe lah."
Me: "really???"
LKM: " Yeah...but need to have $$$."
Me: " (^^)"
I told him that I want to jot this down as an evidence that he has once promised me for our Europe Honeymoon. =)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tag Folder #6 and Picture #6
1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
3. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
4. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin’them ’bout it
I have been tagging by my sis to do this, bear with my good memory, she has been asking me for at least 3 times where is my #6 picture....Okay, dear sis...here is my 6th pic in my #6 folder. Lucky me to have the #6 folder since I just have this new laptop not long ago, and I didn't have too many pictures here.
Here's the picture of my Big darling & Small darling-LKM & Ivan. This picture was taken on the X'mas day 2008 by me right before this happy boy is ready to go for napping. We were celebrating at my aunt's house @ Long Island. It was really a memorable Christmas cause all of my family members got the chance to be together!
1. Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
2. Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
3. Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
4. Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin’them ’bout it
I have been tagging by my sis to do this, bear with my good memory, she has been asking me for at least 3 times where is my #6 picture....Okay, dear sis...here is my 6th pic in my #6 folder. Lucky me to have the #6 folder since I just have this new laptop not long ago, and I didn't have too many pictures here.
Here's the picture of my Big darling & Small darling-LKM & Ivan. This picture was taken on the X'mas day 2008 by me right before this happy boy is ready to go for napping. We were celebrating at my aunt's house @ Long Island. It was really a memorable Christmas cause all of my family members got the chance to be together!
Let's talk about Ivan with his ah jek. They have the same '2nd birthday date' =p ...I think they must have a very deep good fate in the past. I still remember they zzzZZ with each other when Ivan was a little tiny baby, and LKM helped my sis to babysis Ivan too! And now, Ivan gets happy everytime he see LKM through the webcam, and everytime I ask LKM if he miss Ivan, he does! Can't wait to see this handsome boy in the summer!!!
Tag to:
1. Puihan
2. June
3. Feai
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Gerbera @ My Happy Flower

Among all the flowers, Gerbera is my favorite. I love this flower since I was young and if you ask me why, I do not have any reason but I just have a very deep lovely feeling on it. The only thing I can tell is whenever I see Gerbera, I have the urge of buying them, they just cheer me up and brighten my day. Gerbera is my happy flower!
Gerbera is a genus of ornamental plants from the sunflower family (Asteraceae). It was named in honor of the German naturalist Traugott Gerber. It has approximately 30 species in the wild, including South America, Africa and tropical Asia.
Meanings of gerbera: The fifth most popular flower in the world, gerbera can means innocence, purity, beauty, and cheerfulness.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Oreo Choco Cake

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Spring's snow???
2 weeks ago, I was talking with my friend that we are going to build snowman next week, which was last weekend. Somehow, the temperature suddenly raised up above 0'C and we can see melted ice and snow everywhere. The weather was super duper nice and warm, we can just go out with a normal jacket (not winter's one), no glove, no winter hat, and no scarft! And I was thinking that there's no chace to build a snowman this year since there're not much snow left. I am already in the spring mood to wave my BYEBYE to the winter.....and this morning...
about 20 mins before I start writing this blog
10 mins later
I think there're still plenty of chances for me to build snowman this Spring...V(^0^)V
Monday, March 2, 2009
New hair cut...;)
I don't know if anyone has this kind of experience before, for us as a "poor" International student studied in oversea, especially for guys they always wanted to save money on hair cutting. So they rather have their friends to cut for them. When we were in Kentucky, I always did this for LKM. And 3 days ago, I got him a new hair cut again! ;p

Big difference huh????
............. and
Big difference huh????
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